2018年11月7日Recording 9990

The Art Of Music: The Expression Of Emotions

Introduction Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno believed that art, in its negative form, was the key in the battle against the instrumental reason which had already manifested itself in the atrocities of World War II (1966, Horkheimer & Adorno 1988). Only by approaching these extreme negative feelings – anger, despair, loss, etc. – through ‘negative art’ c […]

2018年11月7日Sound editing 10

Vocal Trainer Or Voice Teacher

Many people use the terms “vocal coach” and “voice teacher” interchangeably. But if they mean the same thing, why have two terms? Is there really a difference? Well, the short answer is yes, particularly in the opera world! A voice teacher is… …usually a singer who knows the voice from all perspectives but focuses on proper technique and h […]

2018年11月7日Voice recording 10

Beginner’s Guide: How To Record Vocals

How to Record Better Vocals: The Beginner’s Guide how to record vocalsVocals…it’s the one thing we all record. And it’s the one thing all listeners hear. Therefore…it demands our best work. But with all the knowledge, gadgets, and techniques it requires… It can feel overwhelming for beginners especially early on. The good news is, with a just few simple […]

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