2018年11月7日Mastering 6040

List Of Required DJ Equipment

What Equipment Do You Need to Be a DJ? [Setup Guide] Written by Beatmatch Guruin How To Guides DJ Equipment setup When I have friends over for a mixing session, some of my mates are really into their music and always say to me “I’d love to know how to DJ”. Half the battle is knowing how to DJ, but there’s a decision that needs to be made alongside […]

2018年4月8日Music band 6400

Technique Excellent Vocal Warm-up!

TIPS Enhance Your Voice with These Vocal Warm-Ups and Breathing Exercises 677 SHARES Share Tweet Pin Just like you would warm-up your muscles before exercise, you should always warm-up your vocal chords before singing! Stretching and relaxing your vocal chords will ensure a healthier voice, and when put into a good routine, will increase your vocal […]

2018年2月3日Music band 5780

Essential Equipment for Recording Music

Passion for music is usually expressed by performing, but it can also be shown through the process of creating, composing, and producing your own music. Fortunately, anybody can conveniently create an amateur recording studio setup in the comforts of their own home. These starting setups can be expanded and upgraded in the future. However, with the […]

2018年2月3日Music band 6190

How To Mix Vocals And Sound Effects

HOW TO MIX VOCALS: THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE [15 STEPS] Musician On A Mission Vocals are the most important part of your mix. If you don’t nail it, your songs will always feel amateur. In this article, you’ll learn the secrets to creating radio-ready vocals. CONTENTS [SHOW] Want your mixes to sound pro? Before we continue… I’m guessing you’re here becau […]

2018年1月12日Mastering 7430

Musical Equipment For A Live Concert

So your band is ready to invest in the best live performance equipment, whether it’s building your own from scratch or its own entire PA system. Perhaps you’re sick of relying on venues to provide the right type of gear to portray your sounds to the audience? Maybe some don’t even provide equipment at all? Regardless of why, we want to say congratu […]

略歴 1984年のマイケル・ジャクソン 1958年8月29日、アメリカ合衆国インディアナ州の貧しいアフリカ系家庭に生まれ、幼い頃から兄弟たちとともに音楽の才能を発揮。1970年代に兄弟グループ「ジャクソン5」の天才リードシンガーとして一世を風靡した。 ソロ活動を中心に据えた1980年代、クインシー・ジョーンズをプロデューサーに迎えた三部作『オフ・ザ・ウォール』『スリラー』『バッド』で前人未到の成功を手にし、名実ともにポピュラー音楽界の頂点に立つ。 1990年代以降も『デンジャラス』『ヒストリー』といった大ヒット作を生み出し続けたが、一方で私生活や容姿に関するゴシップや数々のスキャンダルがメディアに取り沙汰されるようになり、心労による鎮痛剤や睡眠薬への依存に悩んだ。 2009年、大々的なカムバックとなる […] Michael Jackson

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