John RichardsEngineer Name Email address Subject Message body (optional) About Me Creative and music lover since I was young, in 2011 I graduated in "Modern Singing" at the Accademia di Musica Moderna in Milan. In these years I perform live in different formations (band, duo / trio / acoustic quartet, soloist, chorus) and at the same time I upload music video on my YouTube channel "ericamolinari". Contact Me 経験Teamwork Creative and music lover since I was young, in 2011 I graduated in "Modern Singing" at the Accademia di Musica Moderna in Milan. In these years I perform live in different formations (band, duo / trio / acoustic quartet, soloist, chorus) and at the same time I upload music video on my YouTube channel "ericamolinari". Self Development Donec sed odio tempor, varius elit eu, consequat urna. Morbi bibendum vestibulum maximus. Vestibulum ut nibh ex. Quisque nulla ante, tristique in efficitur eu, ultrices a justo. Sociality Donec sed odio tempor, varius elit eu, consequat urna. Morbi bibendum vestibulum maximus. Vestibulum ut nibh ex. Quisque nulla ante, tristique in efficitur eu, ultrices a justo. スキルManagement 90%Analytics 75%Consultation 53%Engineering 61%